Hi, I am Diksha

I believe ones true power is in their ability to recognise and walk their path of Dharma (life’s true purpose) even when no one’s watching. The source of all cravings is the underlying craving to align with their Highest expression. As a channel of Consciousness through my offerings and beyond, I am here to share what I know, what I unlearn. 

My journey to yoga began during a film production job. It had become a necessary tool for me to decompress from stressful long hours on a film set. During that time, I had started reading Osho, J.Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharishi and their books became my escape from a job I was losing interest in. The books nurtured my spiritual curiosity. In 2013, I quit the world of filmmaking to dive straight into a teacher training course. The time spent at the Sivananda Ashram, Kerala, for my TTC, marked the beginning of my journey of unlearning.

In the same year, living and volunteering at a yoga retreat in Goa, a Kundalini awakening experience while meditating, got me scared at first, but also intrigued, and I started spending more time practising meditation. The awakening stirred my personal healing, got me to address and release every moment of trauma experienced in the past – big and small. The healing journey continues, but ever since, yoga, meditation and energy healing have been the core of my life and key offerings to the world. 

I have been teaching in Mumbai (Bandra) for the last 7 years – both studio and private classes, and offering energy bodywork sessions.

The teacher training course from Sivananda ashram (neyyar dam), Sadhna intensive from Sivananda ashram (Uttarkashi), 8 years of Swadhayaya (self study), a daily meditation practice and working on my teaching skills through consistent teaching, laid the foundation of discipline and devotion to God (consciousness).

Some of the books that have inspired me on the journey: The Bhagawad Gita, The yoga of the Yogi, Hatha yoga Pradipika, Light on yoga, The yoga sutras of Patanjali, Yoga of the Subtle body, The complete guide to Yin yoga, The Yamas and Niyamas, Functional anatomy of Yoga, Four chapters on Freedom, Soma in Yoga and Ayurveda, Silence, Autobiography of a Yogi, The Surrender experiment, Practical yoga psychology , The Seven spiritual laws of Success, Perfect Health, You can heal your life, Heart thoughts, The path of practice, One simple thing, The book of secrets, Absolute Tao, Tao: the painless path, Intuition : knowing beyond logic, The brains way of healing and many more.

While stillness is still an unpopular way of being, it continues to create a profound impact on my well being personally. I look at meditation as THE ART OF UNDOING, the time to let go of all effort, the time to be still and master doing nothing. And in this undoing, a lot gets done. A lot gets transformed.

My yoga classes are a mix of yin and yang in equal amounts. There is both storm and calm, and the idea is to move with presence through both. The energising and elevating through a flow practice, and dropping it down to a state of stillness is a journey I love to take on again and again, for myself and my students. Over the years of practicing Hatha, Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar, Yin yoga, I choose to culminate the essence of these styles of yoga to create classes that help students in all aspects – strength, mobility, proper breathing, letting go and relaxing.

As someone who is extremely passionate about personal growth and spiritual empowerment, I aim to empower others with the same yogic inner work that has uplifted me and continues to do so.

Diksha Lalwani